Rosary to have the Intercession 

of Saint 

Mary of Jesus Crucified


My heavenly Father, you who filled the life of Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified with ecstasies, visions, charity and humility, keep watch over my heart which you possess, and in which you dwell, you, the Creator of heaven and earth.

May my heart and my life be filled with your divine light, your continuous presence, and interior peace.

I ask you this through the intercession of Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified.


 On the big beads for the «Our Father» you say:

Almighty and Eternal Father, you who guided Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified on the way to become «The Little Nothing»,

– may the same love of humility be implanted in our souls.


On the small beads for the «Hail Mary» you say:

Holy Spirit, you who filled with light the heart of Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified,

– enlighten our hearts and our lives.


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit…


With Ecclesial Approval

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