Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The lady is the Virgin Mary and the Mountain is a place of solitude and prayer, and the Carmel is the silence lying at the heart of the Church. The novena to Our Lady...
The lady is the Virgin Mary and the Mountain is a place of solitude and prayer, and the Carmel is the silence lying at the heart of the Church. The novena to Our Lady...
Sr. Ferial of the Infant Jesus took her final vows on 17 May 2019 in a ceremony in Bethlehem.
The worship team “I’m all yours” led by Louay Zahir and the singer Rabab Zeitoun held “Light of the World” recital in the Carmelite Monastery Church on Friday, 4 January 2019. They sang hymns...
From Bethlehem, the city of light and peace, we send you the infant Jesus, carrying in his hands the light and peace to fill your hearts, your families, your countries and the whole world...
St. Mary of Jesus Crucified 1846 -1878 Galilee: The childhood Mariam Baouardy was born on 5 January 1846 in Ibillin, a small village of Galilee, between Nazareth and Haifa, in a Greek-Melkite Catholic...
The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Bethlehem – A celebration in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was held on Saturday (16 July) afternoon in the Carmel of the Holy Child Jesus in Bethlehem. The celebration...
St. Mary of Jesus Crucified in Lebanon Bethlehem – The relics of St. Mary of Jesus Crucified have spent around 10 Days touring different churches in Lebanon in June 2016. The tour included (click for...
VATICAN CITY — Declaring four 19th-century women religious saints, Pope Francis said they are models for all Christians of how faith, nourished in prayer, is expressed concretely in acts of charity and the promotion...
ROME — Pope Francis canonized two 19th-century nuns from Ottoman-ruled Palestine on Sunday, just days after the Vatican moved to formally recognize a state of Palestine, offering tacit support to a bid for full...
BETHLEHEM, WEST BANK – Christian leaders in the Holy Land hope two new Palestinian saints will become intercessors for peace and a bridge among faiths. “I am sure they follow our situation from heaven and will...