We share the Holy Mass before the Canonization of Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified:
Previous arrangements before the Holy Mass:
Video available in Arabic explaining the Holy Mass and Hymn for the Canonization of Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified:
Public information on internet:
Peregrina hoy espiritualmente al Carmelo de Belén
“Today the Carmel of Bethlehem pilgrims spiritually.”
Various bishops from different countries were united to celebrate a Mass before the next canonization of the first Palestinian Saint.
Bishops from different countries of the world have invited Carmelite communities in the United Kingdom, and all those who want to gather, to join them in prayer at the same time they will celebrate the Mass in the Carmel of Bethlehem, the afternoon of January 12 at 4:30 pm local time (3:30 pm Madrid time).
The Eucharist of the Bishops with the Carmelites of this emblematic convent is part of the annual visit that is being made by the Coordinator of Episcopates of the world in support of the Holy Land and celebration of the canonization of the founder of this community, Blessed Maria (Mariam). ) of Jesus Crucified, scheduled for this year 2015. Mariam Bawardi (1846-1878), of Syrian-Lebanese origin, was born in the village of Ibillin, in Galilee, near Nazareth. During her life she received the stigmata. She was a mystic, she also had many dreams in which she received communications from Jesus. Known as “the little Arab”, she entered at the age of twenty to the convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition in Marseille (France). In 1867 she entered the order of the Discalced Carmelites of Pau.
Later she was sent to India, where she made the profession and took the name of Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified. Soon she felt a strong call to found the Carmel of Bethlehem, in the Holy Land. With a group of religious sisters she traveled to Bethlehem. Acquired a plot in front of the Basilica of the Nativity. In just eight months the construction of the monastery was completed thanks to the help of a French benefactress (Berthe Dartigaux), and it was inaugurated in November 1976 (sic). Today it hosts a community of nuns from different countries. Mother Mariam wanted the altar of the chapel to be placed above the grotto of King David, where tradition says he was anointed by the prophet Samuel. Sr. Mariam received the stigmata and bore great suffering before dying on August 26, 1878, in Bethlehem because of a gangrene contracted after a fracture caused by a fall.
She was beatified on November 13, 1983 by Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square and throughout this year she will become the first Saint of Palestine. The representative of the Spanish bishops in this international coordinator, Monsignor Joan-Enric Vives, highlighted to Aleteia the importance of the union and the prayer of each person for the fruits of this afternoon’s meeting and of the entire visit of the bishops to the Holy Land . “The strength of prayer that day will be intense and powerful and represents our continuous concern for our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land,” said the Bishop promoting this spontaneous initiative.
Source: Aleteia (Available only in Spanish, however please find a courtesy translation into English)
Patriarch’s pastoral letter for the canonization of the two Palestinian nuns
Source: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem