Second Day: Jesus Christ

Opening prayer:

Holy Spirit, inspire me;

Love of God, consume me;

On the true path, lead me;

Mary my mother, look upon me;

With Jesus, bless me;

From all evil, from all illusion,

from all danger, preserve me.

Thoughts of Mariam:

I saw our Lord Jesus poor, sad, suffering and searching for lodging, and He said to me: “I’m searching for a lodging, a home, and nobody wants to receive me. As soon as I present Myself, they send me away. Even you sometimes drive Me out from your heart… Oh if only I could find someone who would but work solely for My Glory, I would do everything for him!” (“Thoughts”, p. 27)

We pray with Mariam:

Forgive me my God! You alone, You alone!… Jesus is not known. Jesus is not loved!The white Bread is being rejected in favor of the black bread*. Its deplorable, its saddening to be eating the black bread.

How can we cling to His works and not to Himself? You alone, You alone, My God! (“Thoughts”, p. 32-33)

Saint Miriam, please pray for me and for all my intentions.

(Mention your requests in silence)

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory

Final Prayer:

God, our Father, through the intercession of Saint Mariam, and through my trust in Your Divine Son, I present to you all my concerns. I do not know whether what I have asked is according to Your Holy Will, my Heavenly Father. So with Jesus in the garden of Getsemani I say:

“Thy will be done, not mine”

Be close to me through Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


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